Friday, October 11, 2013


Wednesday, March 24, 2010
I love the Hinsdale library. When I'm in IL working and spending time with my mother it's my escape. They have great computers and printers and I'm surrounded by books-- what could be better. There's been a cosmic shift at the library. I think a memo went out and I missed it. My quiet refuge has turned into a loud, unrecognizable place. I'm sitting across from a well dressed woman who I think might be a real estate agent. She's popping gum, tossing her larger than life purse from one side to the other. Periodically she calls out to the librarian for help. I think she sees this place as her private office and the librarian as her personal assistant. That would be offensive if it weren't for the fact that the badly dressed librarian is louder than the fake real estate lady. About one hour ago, 2 teenage girls were loudly dropping the F bomb while shouted to each other from two different computer stations. They were on a site on a live chat with guys while talking to others on their cell phones. One patron left in disgust after complaining about the girls. Yesterday a woman who I truly believe had Alzheimer's, singled me out for help. She was very loud and very confused and very sweet. She wanted to send a letter to the NY Times about health care reform, talk about irony, but she didn't have a clue how to use the computer. I did my best to help but it was a mind field of problems. She didn't know her library card number or her password or her email or that password and out of frustration, she finally gave up. I felt bad for her but since you only get 90 min of computer time and I'd used up 20 min with her, I had to cut her loose. It's now 6:40 PM, should be the dinner hour but its hopping at the Hinsdale library. The loud librarian continues her conversations with anyone who will listen. the couple to my right are talking up a storm and the fake real estate agent is still popping her gum and tossing her purse. I think I'm going to join the homeless man in the quiet room.

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